For some time now there have been complaints of dog fouling on the streets and in the Churchyard of our village. Gratitude goes out to those dog owners who have acted as the poo fairy and cleaned up after other peoples dogs but they really shouldn't have to.
The Parish Council is looking into signage to make people aware that there is a fine of up to £1000 if they are caught, which is where you come in. Help us to catch them.
To successfully convict a person of committing a dog fouling offence we need you to provide us with as much information as possible including:
A description of the person committing the offence, their name, address, vehicle, model, colour, vehicle registration
A description of the dog
If you see anyone walking away from their responsibilities please contact us or the Craven dog warden.
Advice from North Yorkshire website - How to Report dog fouling https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/environment-and-neighbourhoods/animals/dogs/dog-fouling:- Craven dog warden 01756 70 06 00