Welcome to
Welcome to Burton-in-Lonsdale nestling on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales, England. Burton has been called both "the first and last village in Yorkshire", tucked into the hillside above the River Greta, and at the cusp of the county boundaries of both Lancashire and Cumbria. Between 1670 and 1944 Burton was home to a total of 13 potteries and known locally as 'Black Burton' due to the smoke from the kilns. Today the village is home to over 630 residents and holiday makers.
Please look at the "Coming Events"page for a run down on what is happening in Burton and the surrounding area. Many of the events will be covered in more detail in the Burtonian
Campaign to save it as a Community Pub
The Punch Bowl closed at the end of February 2024 and there is now a campaign to purchase it as a community pub. Our next meeting will be in the Village Hall on
Wednesday 11th September at 7.30
Please follow us on Facebook or on the dedicated website on purchasing the Punch Bowl
Coming Events
See the next page for a full listing
Stay & Play starts every Thursday in the Church Room at 09:30
The weekly Pub Quiz in the Village Hall will resume in the Autumn
Click the image for details.
Film Nights
Wicked Little Letters is the next film - on the 21st September.
See the next page for a full listing.
Please remember to bring your own refreshments.